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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Change is the New Status Quo

"Change", it's a scary word that most people avoid, especially in the faith community. Perhaps you've heard the joke:
Q: How many (insert denomination) does it take to change a light bulb?

I always tell people if you work with me you'd better be comfortable with change. I'm always looking for ways to do things better, more efficiently, more effectively, nicer. I came on board to Camp Squeah at a most opportune time: we are transitioning from a camp to a year-round camp & retreat centre. So my first 2 years here have been all about change. The kitchen has been transformed: new equipment, new stainless steel workstations, new kitchen flooring, reconfigured dish pit, and different processes.

Our latest change? Dishwares. We've updated our old china place settings with new, contemporary white china. We are very happy with the change and we think our guests will be too.

That was then...
Desert Sand with brown rim
This is now:
Classic white

If you miss the old china, we've transferred it over to Edelweiss Hall.

Reid Nickerson
Food Services Manager