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Monday, May 2, 2011

Squeah Renovations – Phase 1

Monday morning. After a wonderfully hot and sunny day yesterday, today is a bit of a disappointment, with the clouds threatening a shower and a brisk cold breeze in the air.

However, today is an exciting day in Squeah kitchen. Today is the day that we put more stainless steel into the kitchen. With Vancouver Stainless fabricating new prep tables in the baking area and the main prep area, it was a time to say, “goodbye” to old prep tables that served dearly for many years, and say, “hello” to a new set of tables that will serve for the next era.

Masa (our new assistant cook), Reid, Dan (site manager) and I worked hard to put the tables in, and we are excited to start using them, beginning this weekend with our next group of the Spring season.

I had some wonderful thoughts going through my head of sometime in the future, where I could come back to Squeah kitchen one day and say, “Hey, I remember when these tables were put in.”

~ Yoshi

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