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Friday, May 6, 2011

Stain·less Steel: (noun) A form of steel containing chromium, resistant to tarnishing and rust.

All new workstations are installed. Here are pictures of the new face of the Squeah kitchen. Oh, and our new convection ovens arrived as well...

New stainless steel wet workstation

Additional stainless steel workstation w/ overhangs

New stainless steel baking tables

New Blodgett convection ovens

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous!
    Looks great!

    On Saturday at the MCBC Women's Ministry Inspirational Day I told the ladies that Camps Kitchen is getting a complete overhaul and they were so pleased with that and even told me that it was about time.

    We had an offering at our event and a cheque is in the mail.... to support the overhaul! :-)

    Happy cooking!!!
